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SPLASH Pool & Spa Trade Show – August 2018

May 3, 2018 | Past Expos and Events

SPLASH! is the largest pool and spa trade show in the southern hemisphere, attracting over 2,000 visitors from more than 27 countries and close to 200 exhibitors under one roof. The opportunity to attend four days of conference and training, network at the National Awards, and see the best of the best, is here. More than 2400 visitors had the chance to see 122 exhibitors and attend educational sessions in 2016. SPLASH! Pool & Spa Trade Show is the largest trade event for the industry in Australasia, covering nearly 5,000 square metres. All states of Australia are represented and in 2016 visitors attended from China, England, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, UAE and USA.

Date: Wednesday 1st – Thursday 2nd August
Time: 10:00am–5:00pm Wednesday, and 10:00am–4:00pm Thursday
Place: Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
Price: Resister your tickets here
